Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Bucket List - Vancouver Edition

I'm over winter. I don't want to wear boots, or a jacket or have to carry an umbrella. I can't handle another day of streaky bronzer, and unmatched cover up. I want a tan, and here I am getting pastier by the day. I am desperate for summer.  For sun, for adventure, for jean shorts, flip flops and tan lines, fresh fruit, ice cream and patio hangs.

I currently live in a constant state of freezing. My feet are ice blocks even with socks on, and I'm up to 3 cups of coffee a day, just for the warmth. My heating blanket and hot yoga are currently my only respite from the winter blues.  So in an effort to cheer myself up, and in the spirit of my Happiness Project, I've decided to wear long underwear and Hot Chilly socks under all my clothes from now on.

Kidding. I've actually complied a list of things I'm looking forward to doing in this new city of mine, in the hopes that it will chase away the blues, bring down my heating bill, and prevent my boyfriend from banishing my heating blanket. I'd love to hear your suggestions, on things to do in Vancouver, so feel free to send them my way!

The Bucket List - Vancouver Edition

1. Go to the Vancouver Flea Market
2. Afternoon Tea at the Fairmont with some close girlfriends
3. Ice Skating on Grouse Mountain
4. Canucks Game
5. Check out the Punjabi Market in SOMA
6. Go to a race at Hastings Park
7. Try the Chocolate Buffet at The Sutton Place Hotel
8. Actually make it to Celebration of Light (I've missed it every year)
9. Watch a movie at the IMAX
10. Go camping at Cultus Lake
11. Go to the Richmond Night Market

1 comment:

  1. get on a plane and come to london..yeahh good bucket list idea!
