Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nerd-ing Curve

I feel a bit like this girl right now. A blonde girl with her head cut off. Im currently in the process of finishing up work in Whistler, packing up my life, packing up my boyfriends life ;), organizing a move in Vancouver, and also going to school at BCIT.

However, the good news is, that after this week, I'll have a shwanky new pad in Van City, and be almost half way through my Intro to Social Media Marketing class. Which believe me, will benefit anyone who reads this blog! I'm on a steep learning curve, finding out all about Twitter, TweetDeck, Hootsuite, Mashable, Bit.ly, and many many more super nerdy, yet ultimately fascinating technologies. Grow or Die as they say.

Can't wait to make this blog bigger and better then ever. Please feel free to use some of the new tools I've added: Retweet my posts on Twitter, Like a post on FB, Like the Small Town Girl Page on FB. This can all be done at the bottom of each blog post or via Facebook and Twitter.

I also just want to give a quick shout out to all the people who already read my blog and share it with others! Thanks especially to Amy Huddle, for sharing my work with Feet Banks and thus helping me to get an article published. This blog has gone from five hits a day to into the hundreds, with most of the growth happening these last couple months! Sharing is Caring.


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