Monday, March 15, 2010

Something Pretty

I first saw this poster a couple years ago, on the front cover of Domino magazine and immediatley had to have it. However, I apparently wasn't the only one who felt this way, and by the time I tracked down how to get one, they were out of stock and not planning on reprinting. UNTIL NOW. 2 years later the amazing people at Village have reprinted the poster and it is available to order. Now if I only had $100 to spend on a poster, and a place to put it (I'm in a bit of a transition stage right now with all my furniture in storage.) Anyways if you love it, or just love me, feel free to purchase it for me at :) And if you are like my bf who just simply doesn't see the magic in it, well consider the fact that maybe it doesn't see the magic in you either. To each their own...except this is my blog, so you better agree with me.

Created by the same people, this one is equally as lovely. Designed to inspire that feeling of carving yours and a loved ones name into a tree or telephone poll, how could my bf not go for this one? Either way, if we ever make that big move, he'll have no say in the decorating process. That is of course unless he would like to sacrafice the option of having a tv or a certain gaming console. ;)  

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